Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Happy Birthday to ME!

Yes, today is my birthday! Busy day ahead! Will be working all day, but my group has to go over to the hotel where our big conference is being held in June so we can work out conference details. They are taking me to lunch first. Then after work, I am meeting John in Ozark and we are going to Lambert's for dinner. YUM! And then, I am going to the graduation of my sister's class. She teaches pre-school and her 5 year olds are graduating. How Cute is THAT! Hopefully, I'll get some good pictures that I can post later on tonight.

Last night, I attended out Scrapbook MeetUp Group. We had such a nice time. I didn't get any pages done, but I did get some other stuff done for workshops. And in record time! Those concentrated 3 hours are like heaven-sent for me. I don't know why, but I can just pound out the stuff! And I so enjoy the group. DeDe has become a really good friend. She is a Creative Memories Consultant. We have no competition and I love that. The other ladies are diverse... from beginning scrapbooking to 8 or 9 years experience like DeDe and I.

If you are in the Springfield area, check out this website and plan to join us sometime. We meet once a month from 5 - 9. We'd love to see you there!


Tracy said...

Janis, I hope you had a wonderful Birthday!!!! Looks like it was a fun graduation, so sweet. You are so lucky to have a meet up group, I checked our area and nothing even close...

Sanela Kubiak said...

Happy (late) Birthday. It looks like you had a great time. Thanks for your comment on my blog too.